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Exhale for Educators and the Corporate Body

This program is designed for Educators and Corporate Employees to pause, exhale and be present in their personal well-being.  This program incorporates movement and mindfulness as a lifestyle and way of being. This program's intention is to help increase morale, positive minds, and long-term wellness in the workplace. Please see below for these offerings.

Group Mindfulness Workshop

Group mindfulness workshops are designed to cultivate a sense of community through healing, reflection, and personal growth.  These sessions are grounded in "MY SEL - Mindfulness, Yoga, and Social-Emotional Learning.

Group Guided Meditation

In this session, staff can expect to learn various breathing techniques and be guided in a meditation that promotes calm, clarity, and a renewed sense of purpose. The primary focus of this session is to help staff release any stress or mental and emotional blocks that may be in the way of achieving both company and personal goals.


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