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What Are You Saying Yes To Today?

There are so many things we can say yes to, however we must ask ourselves, "what choice is for my greater good?". Those are the "YESES" we need to manifest in our lives. Here are some "Yeses" that I've committed to in my Personal Life Plan. I Say Yes to TRANSFORMATION! I Say Yes to PASSION! I Say Yes to PEACE! I Say Yes to LOVE! I Say Yes to LIFE! Now is the time for you to be good to yourself. Say NO to every thing that is toxic; NO to every thing that is negative; NO to every thing that will not produce your greatest good. You will KNOW your NO because of the POWER of your intuition. Making the choice to say YES to what is good will support you in shifting your consciousness and speaking vitality into your Life. Saying YES to what is good will support you in manifesting the Life that you desire and require. Take a moment today to write out 5 things that you commit to saying YES to. Then, write an affirmation supporting you on this journey. My affirmations are: I am willing and available to experience TRANSFORMATION in my life that brings greater good. I choose to walk in my PASSION to fulfill my purpose. I accept PEACE into my Life now. I am LOVE and I receive LOVE. I will the will of God in my LIFE daily. For the next week, speak out loud your YES Statements and your Affirmations each morning when you wake up and every night before you go to bed. Allow them to penetrate your mind, your heart and your spirit. Soon you will begin to see the manifestation of your POWER! Your Next Decision Will Change Your Destiny. Make your Intentions Purposeful! Beloved, you have a Special Gift. Beauty and Greatness abides within you. Remember that you have the POWER to CREATE each day INTENTIONALLY GOOD and to Be Beautifully Inspired! To get inspiring messages right to your inbox sign up HERE!

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Until next time, Be Blessed, Be Inspired and Remember to Breathe!


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