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Five Self Love Practices to Release Stress During Election Day!

We have been inundated with ad after ad, text after text, conversation after conversation about who to vote for, why we shouldn’t vote for so and so, and why we must vote period. It’s all a lot of information and it can be overloading and overwhelming.  “Voting shaming” has become a real thing. From the pointed fingers, the side-eyes and the verbal lashing, people are being “judgey” and down right mean. Several people I know personally have experienced this shaming along with voter intimidation.  Today, give yourself heart space to woosah.  ♥️ If you can turn off the television and radio stations that flood your conscious and subconscious mind with ads.  ♥️ Refrain from engaging in political conversations and debates. ♥️ If you’re going to the polls today, try wearing earbuds or headphones and listen to some jazz, soft music, or an audiobook. Also, here are four Self Love Practices I offer you integrate during this Election time: ♥️ Set Boundaries - Everyone should not have access to you. Create some space today where you are focused on your own well-being.  ♥️ Be Aware of Your Body - Check with yourself throughout the day. Observe any emotions, feelings, and thoughts that come up.  ♥️ Remember to Breathe - Your breath can shift any experience. It is a reminder that you are connected to Source energy. If you start feeling out of balance, take a deep breath and blow out the negative energy.  ♥️ Balloon Up - I teach my 4 year old students how to blow themselves up in a balloon. This imaginary bubble then becomes a safe space to recenter yourself, get grounded and to practice stillness without outside distractions.  ♥️ Say Goodbye to Unwelcome Energy - With all the election talk and psychological programming, unwelcome (and unpleasant) energy is in the atmosphere. Smudge yourself and your environment with healing herbs such as Sage or Lemongrass. Clear out your space and transmute the energy around you. Remember that you create your experiences.  I send you all positive vibes on today. You matter. You Belong. This is a fresh, new, day. Take care of Body, Mind, and Spirit in every way. Haven’t heard my Morning Meditation to Raise Your Vibration? Check it out here.



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