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Radiant Soul

Theme: Remembering Who I Am


Soul Inspired Wellness Virtual Retreat

December 22, 2023 - December 24, 2023


Wanting to feel more alive?


Immerse yourself in self-reflective practices to uncover your true desires.

In need of a body and soul reset?

Take the time to relax and lean into wellness practices that offer rest and rejuvenation through somatic and liberation movements, sound baths, and Reiki energy clearing.

Looking for spiritual awakening?


Explore your connection with Source Energy as you reconnect to the Divine Truth of who you are through meditation, prayer, and joiurnaling

What do I need to let go of?

Learn to listen to your intuition, allowing your soul to guide you into healing, well-being, and living a joyful life.  

What's Included...

Opening and Closing Ceremonies
Coming together in stillness and mindfulness, to open our hearts and minds to peace and tranquility, leaving with inner wisdom, self-compassion, and radiant light to carry on your journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth

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Daily Movement and Meditation
When practiced together, daily somatic movement and meditation can create a powerful synergy that can help you feel more grounded, centered, and relaxed. By taking the time to connect with your body and mind each day, you can cultivate a greater sense of self-awareness and develop a deeper appreciation for the present moment. 

Daily Journaling and Sacred Heart Assignments
Access your innermost thoughts and feelings through guided journaling and self-paced heart assignments. 
At the end of your retreat, you'll have a powerful
record of your journey toward inner peace and a valuable tool that you can continue to use long after
you leave.

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Inner Wellness Workshops
Gain tools and knowledge to support you in achieving a greater sense of harmony, alignment, and emotional well-being in your daily life. These sacred circle community-style sessions are a safe space for us to share, learn spiritual principles, and develop inner wellness plans. These workshops are based on the book, BEING WOMAN ~ A Sacred Journey of Remembering the Divine Truth of Who You Are, by Schan Ellis Robinson

Rest and Restorative Practices
These practices include gentle yoga, meditation, breathwork, nature-walks. and sleep stories, are designed to help you release tension, calm your mind, and find inner peace. You'll have plenty of time to rest and reflect, allowing you to tune into your body's needs and recharge your energy levels.


About Your Retreat Host

Hello, I'm Schan

I am an “Inner” Life Coach, Educator, Author, and Reiki Practitioner who uses culture, arts, and spirituality to help women define, achieve, and practice soul-inspired wellness. I enjoy creating these safe spaces for women to learn how to retreat within themselves to relax, release, and lean into their divine connectedness. It is my intention to create life as a ceremony and honor it with rituals that inspire deep self-love, healing, peace, ease, and sanctified joy! If you are ready to see and feel life in this way, I invite you to retreat with me, and let’s cultivate community together.

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Soul Inspired Experiences

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I was finally able to exhale. For two years I had been on my own personal pity party for one. I was experiencing a rough transition in life and began to focus on the pain and not the promotion. Once I was able to get around the healing energy of other women and release my fear and frustration, I felt an elevation within. I was able to let go of the past and focus on my future.

T. McDuffie, Cameron, NC 


Invest in You!

I am ready to move into this weekend of recharge and rejuvenation.  Join me as we prepare ourselves for healing, alignment, and rest.

Start Your Soul Inspired Journey Now!

Subscribe to receive a complimentary Self Love Guided Meditation, weekly soul care resources, wisdom revelations to support you in living soul inspired, and more from Schan Ellis Robinson!  

Thanks for subscribing!

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